Currently in 2024

In 2024, some productions from the last monologue festival can be seen again in the TD Berlin program and on tour in other cities:

12-14 September

with NO MAN IS AN iSLAND by Post Theater +++ DER LETZTE HAMLET by Paul Schröder/David Lindemann +++ from the So^lo Edition of Schauspielhaus Wien DER ENGEL IM HAUS by Sissi Reich/ Sivan Ben Yishai/ Stella Jarisch and PRINZ DER TRÄNEN by Kasper Locher/ Mazlum Nergiz

12- 25 August
LIE WITH ME by Glossy Pain @ Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Already over:
Glossy Pain / Eleganz aus Reflex / Turbo Pascal @TD Berlin in June — a MONOLOGFESTIVAL SHOWCASE was shown at Lichthof Theater HamburgCOMMON THINGS by Turbo Pascal was at 10 Tage Frei|Schwimmen in Stuttgart] and at Heidelberger StückemarktLIE WITH ME by Glossy Pain at Britney X Festival of Schauspiel Köln — MIR GEHT’S JA NOCH GOLD at Studio Naxos Frankfurt/Main

=> The next MONOLOGFESTIVAL will take place in November 2025!

Review of the 2023 Monologfestival

Many thanks to everyone who made the 2023 Monologfestival under the title COMMON SENSES possible and attended! Below you will find a few impressions and here the press response as well as the documentation of the opening impulse by Byung-Chul Han to watch/listen to as a video.

Monologfestival GbR
am TD Berlin,
Klosterstraße 44
tip Berlin Theater der Zeit Rausgegangen taz Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt